Focusing particularly on anthropological and nutritional perspectives on food in places where military or other conflicts affect lifestyle.
to be held at Oxford Brookes University,
Headington, Oxford
on Saturday 5th June 2010
from 9.45 am to 5.15 pm
(Registration from 9.15 am)
Coffees, teas and a light buffet will be provided.
Admission free by prior email booking before June 2nd
at email address: hmacbeth@brookes.ac.uk
(so that we can arrange the catering for appropriate numbers)
There will be a poster competition for students
under the title of “Food in cross-disciplinary perspective”
If you want to display a poster, please email hmacbeth@brookes.ac.uk
Organised by
The International Commission on the Anthropology of Food (ICAF)
in conjunction with ACCEND and the Functional Food Centre,
Oxford Brookes University